Why has my cat stopped eating their food?

Why has my cat stopped eating their food?

As pet owners ourselves, we know what it's like when our feline friends turn up their nose at a meal they used to love. Cats are known for being fussier eaters than dogs, so we've delved into the mysteries behind why your cat might suddenly stop eating and what to do about it.

Common reasons why cats stop eating:


Health issues: Cats are notorious for masking their illnesses. A sudden loss of appetite might be an early sign of an underlying health issue, such as dental problems, gastrointestinal disorders, or even kidney disease. If your cat's eating habits change drastically, it's crucial to consult with your vet.

Food preferences: Just like humans, cats have preferences when it comes to taste and texture. If your cat has suddenly become picky, it might be a sign that they're no longer satisfied with their current food. Consider trying different flavors or textures to find what your feline friend enjoys.

Stress and anxiety: Cats are creatures of habit, and any disruption to their routine or environment can cause stress. New pets, moving houses, or changes in household dynamics can trigger anxiety, leading to a loss of appetite. Creating a calm and comfortable environment can help alleviate stress.

Food spoilage: Cats are sensitive to the freshness of their food. If you've noticed a decline in your cat's interest, it's worth checking the expiration date on their food. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality, naturally meatier meals with no artificial colours or flavours.

Tips to get your cat eating again:

  1. Consult your Vet: If your cat's appetite doesn't return or if you notice other concerning symptoms, it's essential to seek professional advice. Your vet can conduct tests to rule out any underlying health issues.

  2. Experiment with different flavours: We offer a wide variety of flavours and textures to cater to your cat's discerning palate. Experiment with different options to discover what tickles their taste buds. Our high-quality ingredients and careful formulation ensure a nutritious meal in every bite.

  3. Gradual food transition: Cats can be sensitive to abrupt changes in their diet. If you're switching to Harringtons cat food, consider a gradual transition by mixing it with their current food. This allows your cat to get used to the new taste and texture over time.

  4. Create a stress-free environment: Minimise stress in your cat's environment by providing a quiet, comfortable space. Introduce new elements slowly, and ensure there are hiding spots and elevated perches for your cat to feel secure.


At Harringtons, we understand the bond between you and your feline companion. If your cat has stopped eating, it's essential to explore the possible reasons and take proactive steps to address the issue. With high-quality ingredients, our cat food can help restore your cat's love for meatier mealtimes, ensuring they lead a happy and healthy life.